Walking With Jesus Today

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The Plan of Salvation: There is No Alternative Way – Episode 20

The Plan of Salvation: There is No Alternative Way – Episode 20

Regardless of how it may appear or sound to others who do not believe, GOD has not provided the world an alternative for salvation (Acts 4:11,12) other than in the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is imperative that we accept Him as our personal Savior and LORD; yielding completely to His will.

Plan of Salvation: Separation of Man From GOD – Lesson 18

Plan of Salvation: Separation of Man From GOD – Lesson 18

The separation of GOD’s human creation from Him is the focused heartbreak of GOD. His beloved creation being out of direct communion and engagement with Him is not His intended purpose in created mankind; the jewel of His creation. Restoration is His goal.

Plan of Salvation: I Am a Creation of GOD – Lesson 17

Plan of Salvation: I Am a Creation of GOD – Lesson 17

The Scriptures declare that before the foundations of the earth, GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) prepared the plan of salvation. For people to clearly understand the significance of this great gift, we must understand, accept and believe that GOD is the Creator of humankind. Through His infinite wisdom and love for us, GOD desires to restore us to right relationship with Him by having His creation correctly understand Who He is in relation to us, and who we are in relation to Him. When we do, we can appreciate through complete submission His plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus.

The Cry of Eternal Victory – Lesson 16

The Cry of Eternal Victory – Lesson 16

Many who do not believe in Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah of the Old Testament Christian Bible and the Torah, believe that this cry, “It is finished!” of Jesus as He hung on the cross and as He gave up His Spirit, to be a cry of defeat. This cannot be farther from the truth. The truth is that to those who believe, the Spirit of GOD has revealed that it was The Cry of Eternal Victory. Paul shares this same perspective and says if it is otherwise, then Christians are the most miserable people with the Corinthian Church (1 Cor. 15) and should be pitied.

The Cross: The Power of GOD – Lesson 15

The Cross: The Power of GOD – Lesson 15

Many say that the cross is where Jesus faced His demise. Those of us who believe understand that the cross is representative of the power of GOD’s WORD. The cross, to those who believe in Jesus as LORD and Savior, is the manifestation of the confidence we can have in what GOD has said in His WORD.

Who Is Jesus, Really? LORD and Savior – Lesson 14

Who Is Jesus, Really? LORD and Savior – Lesson 14

Christians proclaim Jesus to be our LORD and Savior; however, many us do not fully understand what we are saying by this proclamation. In our continuing series study, Who Is Jesus, Really? the Spirit of GOD provides a clear understanding of what these titles mean and what they require of us as followers of Christ. Do our lives represent Jesus as our LORD and Savior? Let’s see what GOD’s WORD has to say regarding the answer to that.

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the True Vine – Lesson 13

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the True Vine – Lesson 13

In His seventh (7th) and final I AM statement, “I AM the True Vine,” Jesus again declares His deity. He then begins to explain His relationship to GOD, GOD’s relationship to Him, GOD’s relationship to people and Jesus’s relationship to people. People who are fruitful as well as people who are unfruitful. Fruitful in evidencing faith in Jesus as Savior and LORD.

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life – Lesson 12

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life – Lesson 12

How does one find the way to Heaven or attain salvation? What is the real truth regarding how we can be saved? What is eternal life really? Jesus addressed these questions in His sixth (6th) I AM statement, declaring “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Will you follow His example of living? Will you accept His explanation regarding salvation? Will you believe is definition of eternal life?

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Resurrection and the Life – Lesson 11

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Resurrection and the Life – Lesson 11

Jesus has declared that He is the Resurrection and the Life. What does this really mean to those who believe in the name of Jesus? What does it really mean to those who do not believe in the name of Jesus? Jesus explains simply, those who believe in Him shall live forever; those who have died as well as those who are still living. What power?

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Good Shepherd – Lesson 10

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Good Shepherd – Lesson 10

Jesus has declared boldly to the Jewish people His Deity with His seven (7) “I AM” statements. Today He declares, “I AM the Good Shepherd” Who lays down His life for His sheep. Will you accept Him as your Good Shepherd today? He’s waiting to protect you from the dangers of this world; to feed you the truth of His WORD; to bring you into His sheepfold.

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Door (Part 2 of 2) – Lesson 9

Who Is Jesus, Really? I AM the Door (Part 2 of 2) – Lesson 9

Who is Jesus, Really? This week, Jesus continues to declare, “I AM the Door.” Jesus identifies His Deity in this scripture and explains that He is the entry way to His Church. He is the entry way into an abundance of an enjoyable life here on earth, as well as the entry way into eternal life. Will you enter by the Door?

Who is Jesus Really? I AM the Bread of Life – Lesson 6

Who is Jesus Really? I AM the Bread of Life – Lesson 6

Jesus performs the miracle of feeding 5000-plus people. The next day, the crowd that had been fed follows Jesus to Capernaum, catches up with Him, and basically begs for more bread. Jesus turns the table on them and says, “I AM the Bread of Life.” WOW! Jesus declares His deity as it was declared to Moses, “I AM that I AM.” Let’s learn what the Spirit of GOD has to disclose as we continue the series of study, Who Is Jesus, Really?

Who is Jesus Really? The Descendent of Abraham & David – Lesson 5

Who is Jesus Really? The Descendent of Abraham & David – Lesson 5

Who is Jesus, Really? We can be assured with one more supporting Scripture that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah. Matthew, the disciple of Jesus, declares in the opening verse of his letter, “…Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” This critical element of Truth contributes to the faith that Jesus is the promised Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the entire world.

Who is Jesus Really? The Son of GOD – Lesson 4

Who is Jesus Really? The Son of GOD – Lesson 4

So Who is Jesus, really? There are most who acknowledge that He was a man. Others say that He was a man Who went about doing good things and teaching people to live good lives. Fewer go further and declare Him to be a prophet. Yet, even fewer are willing to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was truly the Son of GOD. The Son of GOD, Who being equal with GOD, came to earth enshrouded in human flesh through the power of GOD’s Spirit and was birthed to the human, woman Mary without a biological, human father. What say you? Who is Jesus, really?

The Empowering Spirit of GOD – Lesson 3

The Empowering Spirit of GOD – Lesson 3

The Holy Spirit empowers the people of GOD to understand the truth of the WORD of GOD. How will you respond to His conviction of your need of salvation from sin in the person of Jesus the Promised Messiah?

The Promised Gift of the Holy Spirit – Lesson 2

The Promised Gift of the Holy Spirit – Lesson 2

When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we have the privilege to receive the gift of GOD’s Spirit. This blessing allows us to receive the hidden treasures of GOD through the power of GOD’s Spirit, (1 Corinthians 2). So, HOW do obtain the gift of the Holy Spirit? Let’s see what answers the Book of Acts has to share.

The Hidden Things of God – Lesson 1

The Hidden Things of God – Lesson 1

Receiving the hidden things of GOD requires the Power rendered only through the Spirit of GOD. If you are not understanding or agreeing with the Christian Bible, Paul (1 Corinthians 2) gives a very simple solution; receive the gift of the Spirit of GOD.

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