Walking with Jesus Today
Walking With Jesus Today is an online Bible study ministry for Christian Believers that is totally supported by our Walking Partners and free to everyone. We invite Believers in Jesus the Christ to study the Word of GOD with us weekly, as we openly and candidly allow the Spirit of GOD to lead us into a more committed, personal, intimate and engaging covenant relationship with GOD as the King of our lives. You are invited to join the journey with us as we study the WORD of GOD weekly and walk closer with Jesus, today. Learn more on the website at www.WalkingWithJesusToday.com.
The Ministry’s Foundational Scripture
“But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15 (AMP)
Minister Nash Alexander, III was raised under the Christian Bible influence by his parents, the late Reverend Nash Alexander and Marie Greathouse Alexander. In 2002, he accepted the call of GOD upon his life to “Study My Word like never before, and teach My people My way.” In the Fall of 2003, he was ordained a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the ministerial guidance of Reverend Dr. Gregory Anthony Sutton. During his preaching moments, he is often described as The Teacher Preacher due to the power and clarity through which the Spirit of GOD educates and delivers the Word of GOD to the hearers.
Above all else, Minister Alexander enjoys the daily, life-long practice of striving to consistently surrender his sinful nature to GOD’s will, and observing the unimaginable aspects of GOD’s character that are revealed with each new day in his walk with Jesus.
His focus is to find Kingdom Relevance in the will of GOD through the study, application and teaching of GOD’s Word to GOD’s people.
Walking With Jesus Today is totally supported by our Walking Partners!
When you become a Walking Partner, you are helping us to accomplish the following goals:
1) Continue to provide our weekly video lessons on the BizLynks TV Network, Roku and iTunes
2) Execute the Divine strategic plan to strengthen the walk of Believers in the Kingdom of GOD
3) Add to our dedicated, gifted Walking With Jesus Today Team Members as we grow
4) Produce educational materials to supplement the Believer’s study of GOD’s Word
5) Maintain consistent, effective communications with our Community of Walkers
Recent Episodes
The Plan of Salvation: I Will Stay In Line With GOD’s WORD Pt 4 – Lesson 29
Being baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ is a public demonstration, of your commitment to die to your old life of sins and to be raised from that death to live the life that Jesus offers through righteous living. This is righteous living possible through the power of the indwelling Spirit of GOD.
The Plan of Salvation: I Will Stay In Line With GOD’s WORD Pt 3 – Lesson 28
The the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ is the gift of GOD to lost man. Accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and LORD is the first step in the process of salvation. There is the continual process of growing in the knowledge of GOD through the consistent study of His Word to know, understand and to do (live the life that Jesus died for us to live) what GOD has said in His Word.
The Plan of Salvation: I Will Stay In Line With GOD’s WORD Pt 2 – Lesson 27
God inhabits the praises of His people. Give GOD thanks and praise for who He is and what He has done. It is a means by which we can Stay In Line With GOD’s WORD – Always Giving GOD Thanks and Praise.
The Plan of Salvation: I Will Stay In Line With GOD’s WORD Pt. 1 – Lesson 26
Communicating with GOD through prayer is our privilege. GOD as our loving Father wants to have consistent, sincere, intimate private conversation with us. It is through prayer that we find the opportunity to share with GOD the deepest things of our heart; sometimes that no one else ever knows. It is a means by which GOD shares with us how to Stay In Line With GOD’s WORD – Communicate With GOD in Prayer.
The Plan of Salvation: I Am Really Born Again Pt. 5 – Lesson 25
We continue our study of the reassurance that you are saved, regardless of how you feel. Now that you have begun your walk with Jesus, as your LORD and your personal Savior, you feel as though you still have not done enough to secure your salvation with GOD; you have not done enough good to overcome all the sin you have committed in your life. You have doubts concerning your salvation in Jesus. Am I really born again? The answer is unequivocally, YES; you are absolutely born again, saved.
The Plan of Salvation: I Am Really Born Again Pt. 4 – Lesson 24
Now that you have begun your walk with Jesus, as your LORD and your personal Savior, you feel as though you still have not done enough to secure your salvation with GOD; you have not done enough good to overcome all the sin you have committed in your life. You have doubts concerning your salvation in Jesus. Am I really born again? The answer is unequivocally, YES; you are absolutely born again, saved.
The Plan of Salvation: I Am Really Born Again Pt. 3 – Lesson 23
It is when we, as Believers in Jesus, believe in hearts (our minds) that GOD raised Jesus from the dead for the payment of our sins, and when we confess to the world Jesus is now our LORD and personal Savior that we are immediately free of all guilt due to our sins committed. It is then, immediately, that we are accepted of GOD as sinless and we are spiritually reborn. Why are you still carrying the guild of your sins? Be reborn.
The Plan of Salvation: I Am Really Born Again Pt. 2 – Lesson 22
Followers of Jesus Christ, GOD wants us to understand and accept that we are truly born again, immediately, when we repent, turn away from of our sins by abandoning this world, and openly confessing Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and LORD. This is the answer to Nicodemus’s question, “How can a man be born again when he is old?”
The Plan of Salvation: I Am Really Born Again Pt. 1 – Lesson 21
Yes. We truly are born again when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and LORD. When we accept the new life Jesus offers us as a result of His death and resurrection, our spirit is awakened and begins the path of a new life in Jesus.

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