Walking with Jesus Today

Who is Jesus Really? I AM the Light of the World – Lesson 7

This world is consumed with darkness (sin and its consequence, eternal death). In the midst of this darkness, Jesus declares that He is the Light of the World. (John 8:12) Being the Light of the World, Jesus proclaims that is able to eliminate, eradicate, to remove sin, and its consequence (death) from the world. HE proclaims that in Him there is the opposite of death; the opposite of hell’s death; the opposite of the second death from which there is no resurrection. (Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 14; 21:8) In Him, He proclaims that there is liberty, eternal salvation.

When Jesus announced to the people in the Temple Court that, “I AM the Light of the World,” Jesus was declaring that He is the GOD that identified Himself to Moses as “I AM Who I AM. You shall say this to the Israelites, “I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14). In His discourse in the Temple Court Jesus was offering eternal salvation to the people just as GOD to Moses was offering salvation from Egypt; but, also eternal salvation by becoming His people and accepting Him as their GOD.

Being the Light of the World, Jesus was dispelling the darkness of the burden of the Law imposed by the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people. As Light of the World, Jesus was announcing His forgiveness of sins John 8:24. In the scripture passages before this announcement in verses, John 8:3-11, Jesus actually forgives a woman who was caught in adultery and brought to the Temple by the scribes and Pharisees. What is critical to understand is that the woman was not thought to have committed adultery; but, actually caught in adultery. She was guilty of the sin. She was guilty of the penalty of the sin, stoning. Jesus offers the scribes and the Pharisees the opportunity to fulfill the penalty of the Law, to stone her, by asking the first one without sin to throw the first stone. When no one was there to continue to accuse the woman, Jesus announces, “neither do I condemn you.” In short, Jesus forgave her sin, and then commanded her to “go and sin no more.”

The power of the act of forgiving sins was not given to humans. Only GOD can forgive sins. (Mark 2:7; Luke 5:21) In Acts 5:30-31 (Peter and the other Apostles before the council of the Sadducees and High Priest) and Acts 26:18 (Paul before King Agrippa).

Here Jesus establishes that He is GOD. HE is the promised Messiah sent by GOD to shine the Light of knowledge of GOD in the world filled with the darkness of the enemy of GOD. The Light of Life, eternal life is what Jesus offers by declaring He is the Light of the World.

The Spirit of GOD has shone in our hearts to give us the Light (Jesus) of the knowledge of the glory and majesty of GOD in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4-6) It is through the indwelling Spirit of GOD in our hearts that we are able to understand and receive the Light of the World, Jesus, the knowledge of GOD has Creator and King, Ruler of our lives; the One Who is able through Jesus Christ to redeem us unto Himself through the forgiveness of sins.

We hold out and offer to everyone this WORD of Life (Philippians 2:12-16). Thus, we are bright lights shining in the world of darkness. This is the explanation Jesus gives in Mathew 5:14-16. Our good work, is to do the work of GOD (John 6:29) “…believe on Him Whom He (GOD) has sent.” Our work in the earth is to let our light shine before men that they may see our good work (of believing on Jesus as LORD and Savior, as the Light of the World); to hold out and offer this WORD of Life to everyone.

So what say you? Do you believe the WORD of GOD is Truth? Do you believe that Jesus is the Light of the World; the GOD, I AM that delivered the people of Israel from Pharaoh, brought them into the wilderness to make them His people and to have them receive Him as their GOD.

What say you? Do you accept Jesus Christ into your life so that the Spirit of GOD can shine upon your heart, and allow you to become bright lights in a darkened world to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Him crucified, Him risen and Him soon to return?

I invite you to accept what you have read as true. I invite you to accept Jesus as the only source of eternal salvation.

If you do not know Jesus in the pardon of your sins, as the adulterous woman soon knew him through the forgiveness of her sins, I offer Him to you today. If you accept, pray this pray with me, “Father, GOD, in Heaven, I am a sinner. I am in need of a Savior. I believe Jesus is Your Son Whom You sent to redeem me from my sins and to give me eternal