Place Your Book “On the Bookshelf”
Thank you for your interest in placing your book “On the Bookshelf.” “On the Bookshelf” is an opportunity to bring exposure to your book from the author’s perspective. It is a professionally produced video introduction to your book that you will be able to share on your website and in your social media network. Your video will also be distributed throughout the BTVN platform which has a reach in excess of 13 million.
BTVN currently has a national and international audience of more than 4,200 monthly viewers who access video content through our Roku, Apple podcast (formerly iTunes), and Android podcatcher platforms. Local, national and international viewers are continuously increasing through the addition of collaborative online networks and social media followers who also add the content to their networks.
Here’s what you will receive:
- Professionally Produced Three (3) minute Book Promotion Video
- Website Embed Code to provide your website visitors 24/7 introduction to your book
- Link to Your Video to share in your PR, Email and Social Networking Campaigns
- Featured on BizLynks.TV, Roku, Apple Podcast and Android Podcatchers
We strongly encourage our authors to take advantage of this great marketing opportunity and to announce your appearance to your networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc). It is also a great opportunity for a Press Release or special email campaign.
If you are interested in featuring your book, follow the Book Submission Steps below:
- Click the Buy Now button above to submit your $199 payment.
- Upon payment confirmation, you will be directed to the Book Submission Form. The information on the form will help to ensure that we meet the objectives of the book promotion and that you have a valuable online tool to promote your book to book lovers. It will also allow us to promote you and your book on our website and social media networks.
- After you complete your submission form, you will then be directed to our online scheduler to indicate when you are available to record the interview. Please select three different dates to optimize scheduling options for our production team. Recording times are booked in 45 minute increments. All recordings are conducted at the BizLynks TV Network studio, located at 3076 Campbellton Rd. SW, Atlanta, GA 30311.
Our production team will confirm your appearance date and provide interview instructions and “On the Set” Guidelines” via email. Be sure to add to your safe senders list to be sure that we land in your Inbox. In the meantime, if you have questions, please feel free to contact us. We anticipate seeing your book On the Bookshelf.
Are you a lover of books? If so, check out our collection of authors “On The Bookshelf.” Here you can watch video introductions to each book, from the author’s perspective. Then decide which copies you want to put on your bookshelf.

BizLynks TV Network (BTVN) is an online video platform featuring dynamic programming designed to inform and educate entrepreneurs, small businesses, associations and nonprofits.
© 2018 BizLynks Consulting Group, LLC