Let’s Talk Nonprofits
An Arm Knitter’s Answer to Addressing Community Needs
It’s Women’s History Month and Let’s Talk Nonprofits is hanging out with She-roes! Our guest, Mary Porter, is strength in its essence and the epitome of creativity. View this episode and learn how this full-time designer knits in her free time to raise funding for nonprofits.
Youth Entrepreneurship – A viable solution to unemployment
Today we celebrate our future generations with guest, Kadeem Dunwell, Founder of the Young Entrepreneurs of Atlanta. Learn how this change maker is strengthening the economy by developing our future entrepreneurs.
When Pain Pushes You Into Purpose
As we celebrate Black History Month, we recognize a Philanthropic Powerhouse whose pain led him to chase his purpose of changing the way the world sees young black men. Hear how James “Jay” Bailey, Founder/Chairman of the Phoenix Leadership Foundation, “Builds as He Climbs” and the invaluable advice he has for nonprofits.
Mentoring for Millennials
Delven Barfield, President of National Sales Network-Atlanta Chapter launches program to provide college students professional development through mentorship.
National Mentoring Month
Dr. Quinn Gentry guest hosts this special edition of “Let’s Talk Nonprofits” to discuss National Mentoring Month and the success of the GEMS program.
L.R. Ministries
The mission of LR Ministries is to help individuals achieve and revolutionize their relationship with God through spiritual healing, teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven…”.
Action Ministries, Inc.
Action Ministries is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a 53-year history of providing hunger relief, housing and education solutions to low-income, poor and individuals who are homeless. It’s mission is to mobilize communications to address the challenges of poverty.
Go. See. Do. Love.
Guest Mia Vasser, founder of Go. See. Do. Love. a global non-profit organization that is dedicated to transforming communities through the power of unconditional love.
Center for Business Innovation Research
Guest Queen Marrero currently serves as Project Coordinator and Research Administrator at GSU’s Center for Business Innovation Research to train and assist small business leaders and non-profits on how to obtain and maintain grants and contracts.
Jasmine House Foundation
Guest Jasmine Durden, Founder, The Jasmine House Foundation, an outreach program that helps those who are in need. They depend on volunteers and donations to keep making a difference in there community. The vision for The Jasmine House is to open there own shelter for less fortunate families.
Torri Hicks, Founder, YouthNique is a cutting-edge nonprofit management company that assists in the start and management of thriving nonprofit foundations and organizations providing entrepreneurs, entertainers, professional athletes, and organizations with an opportunity to turn their philanthropic vision into reality.
Fulton County Mission Group
Guest Esther Green. Fulton County Mission Group is a Seventh-day Adventist congregation in southwest Atlanta. Its most notable ministry is its health ministry: “Healthy Choices Community Lunches.” Healthy Choices Community Lunches were created to help groups and communities attack diabetes, cholesterol, obesity and other diseases…one bite at a time!
Head, Heart & Hands Engagement Collective
Guest Barry Altland. Are you a volunteer? A leader of volunteers? A leader in any capacity?
Engaging the Head, Heart and Hands of a Volunteer is quite possibly the only book of its kind dedicated to Equipping, Guiding, Supporting and Inspiring the people who choose to serve as volunteers.
Own the Vision
Guest Jason Warner, Founder. The Own The Vision Foundation serves as a catalyst to develop Black communities across America to live out the definition of the community; where Black people come together with common interests and have joint ownership or participation.
Accounting for Nonprofits
Glenda Hicks is a Certified Public Accountant and BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer. She is a current faculty member of Nonprofit University, a learning program of the Georgia Center for Nonprofits.
Africa’s Children’s Fund
Guest Victor Mbaba, Founder, Africa’s Children’s Fun. The mission of Africa’s Children’s Fund is to provide assistance and services to children and families in need in the United States of America, Africa, and the Caribbean.
Woman-2-Woman & Associates
Guest April LaLand Sentmanat. Woman-2-Woman & Associates is a faith based 501C3 nonprofit organization that assists women in crisis from domestic violence, substance abuse and homelessness in south metro Atlanta.
Whitefoord Inc.
Guests Dr. Jada Moore-Ruffin and Dr. Karyl C. Patten. Whitefoord, inc. was established to address the health and educational needs of children and families of the Whitefoord Elementary School District in southeast Atlanta.
National Association of Nonprofits
Guest Blair Anderson. National Association of Nonprofits provides the resources, tools and connections to help non-profits organizations achieve their mission and reach their vision.
Grant Source
Guest Chataun Denis. Grant Source is a consulting company providing business coaching, training, and grant writing outsourcing for small to medium-sized nonprofit organizations.
C.L.A.S.S. Inc.
Guest Erica Hill. C.L.A.S.S, Inc (Caring Loyal Advocates Supporting Society) is a 501 C3 non-profit organization that is committed to help shape and empower youth between the ages of 12-21 to become self sufficient and productive adults in society.
Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance
Guest Kimberly Emory, President. The mission of the Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance (GOCA), a 501c-3 non-profit, is to increase awareness and educate Georgia’s women of all ages and their families, as well as the healthcare community about the risks and symptoms leading to early detection.
Our Fundraising Search
Guest Linda McNay. The mission of Our Fundraising Search is to assist nonprofits with their fundraising needs in order for them to have a lasting impact on those they serve.
Nuru Center
Guest Shem Orwenyo. Nuru Center’s mission is to empower orphaned and impoverished children in rural Kenya to achieve their highest potential and grow to become confident, competent, self-reliant, and productive members of the communities they reside.
Youth Enhancement Services, Inc
Guest Lula Gilliam. YES (Youth Enhancement Services) provides alternative education services for out-of-school youth, ages 16 to 24. YES Assists them with obtaining their GED and identifying post-secondary options at local two-year and technical colleges.
American Kidney Services
Guest Edward Zito, AKS is the Georgia partner of American Kidney Fund (AKF) which is one of the top three charities in the country (Consumer Digest). AKS raises funds by collecting used clothing and household goods via free home pick-up, trailers in recycle centers & malls, as well as donation bins throughout Metro Atlanta.
Phenomenal Women’s Health, Inc.
Guest Cheryl Burnside. The main focus of Phenomenal Women’s Health, Inc. is to educate women about the mental, physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of their lives.
Ms. Wheelchair USA
Guest Yvette Pegues, Ms. Wheelchair USA is a pageant focusing on the achievements, glamour and community service of women with disabilities.
Guest Angela Williams. VOICE Today is a non-profit breaking the silence & cycle of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Our goal is to provide awareness, prevention and healing programs and resources for our communities to prevent, protect children and help survivors heal.
Jesus Set The Captive Free
Guest Rev. Williams is the founder of Jesus Set The Captive Free. Jesus Set The Captive Free provides housing, food and clothing, as well as, referral for the homeless and homeless veteran men.
Kids Are Heroes
Guest MaryMargaret ONeill, Founder. Kids Are Heroes is a nonprofit that gets kids involved in their communities to help people, animals and the environment.
Guest Pamela Reid, Youth Leadership Development Organization – Through their programs, services and initiatives, students can achieve academic success, career readiness, opportunities for advancement, and the ability to contribute to their community in a significant way.
InView Solutions
Guest Tracey Knight. InView Solutions Philanthropic Management deliver expertise and a comprehensive collection of charitable management services to help individuals, large nonprofit organizations and institutions build & sustain their missions.
The Resurgent Group of Metro Atlanta, LLC
Guest Taunya A. Lowe, Ph.D. is the CEO of a human services and leadership development consulting firm located in Lawrenceville, GA, and the author of Wanna Start a Riot?
WDM Community Center
Guest Minister Willie Dean. WDM Community Center is a program that provides individuals/families with the word of God and other resources to both grow and empower them to improve their lives.
Youth Business University
Guest Jeffery Henderson, Founder. Youth Business University (YBU) is a relevant comprehensive youth organization simulating a “University” designed to educate, elevate, empower, encourage, energize, engage, enrich, equip, and expand today’s global youth.
Dorsey Consulting and Training, Inc.
Guest Oliver Dorsey. Dorsey Consulting and Training, Inc. is the umbrella company of Dorsey Nonprofit Solutions, where we consult and partner with nonprofits in the areas of fundraising, grant writing, strategic planning, board development and 501c3 formation.
Totally You Support Services, LLC
Guest Sharlene Sanders established Totally You Support Services, LLC to provide grant/contract management services for community based/non profit organizations and other entities that receive grant funds.
Nonprofit Trinity Awards
Guest Linda Horton, Founder. The Nonprofit Trinity Awards, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) that recognizes and honor small nonprofit organizations and outstanding individual volunteers and for their resilient work, passionate commitment and outstanding service within their respective communities.
House of Dawn
Guest Dawn Murray, Founder. House of Dawn is a non-profit social services agency providing residential and supportive services to pregnant and parenting young mothers and their children.
Change 4 Georgia
Guest Remington Youngblood, President & Founder, Change 4 Georgia, a 501c3 grass roots organization founded in 2011, when was Remington was 10 years old. They inspire students to get up & get involved; and assist our troops overseas and veterans & their families at home.

BizLynks TV Network (BTVN) is an online video platform featuring dynamic programming designed to inform and educate entrepreneurs, small businesses, associations and nonprofits.
© 2018 BizLynks Consulting Group, LLC