
Talking the (disAbility) Walk with Rich Luby on "disAbilityLifeTV"

Talking the (disAbility) Walk

Talk the Walk LLC is a Mobile Connecticut based organization providing interactive Disability and Inclusion consulting for companies, communities, and educational establishments to promote and attain all-inclusive environments. Our guest, Richard James Luby, an individual with Cerebral Palsy and proud member of the (dis)abled community.

Conquering LOVE Behind Bars on "disAbilityLifeTV"

Conquering LOVE Behind Bars

This episode of #DLTV shows how Jameca McGhee’s experience growing up with an Intellectually Disabled and incarcerated Father made her stronger, braver, conqueror!

T-Rex is not just a Dinosaur on "disAbilityLifeTV"

T-Rex is not just a Dinosaur

Sukie Glick, (a twin) continues to live independently as a full-time wheelchair user who provides advocacy and support at disABILITY LINK where the criteria for Independent Living is based on the Social Model vs. Medical Model. That’s so important because services align with changing the person’s environment not the person.

Disability Pride and Promise on "disAbilityLifeTV"

Disability Pride and Promise

Ouida Potts-Randle’s mother, Elizabeth, had a disability but the only thing she remembers is having the BEST of both worlds.

Perfect Baby Problems on “disAbilityLifeTV”

Perfect Baby Problems

Guests Selena Deloach, Devin Cunningham & baby Christian. This episode of DLTV reveals how the perfect baby became a mission of love that has cost his parents everything and how YOU can help!

The Penalty of Love on “disAbilityLifeTV”

The Penalty of Love

Guests Renita Bundrage and Al Lewis. Our guests have given up their livelihood for the sake of their love for each other because of the “Marriage Penalty.” Learn more about this law as it relates to people with disabilities receiving government assistance (SSI).

DisAbility Doubles on “disAbilityLifeTV”

DisAbility Doubles

Guests Patricia Eberhart & Patrix Cody, TwyceTwins Movement.
This episode is about how #TwyceTwins cope with looking exactly the same while dealing with something so different. Watch as they Motivate and Empower through shared disABILITY and the TwyceTwins Movement.

Invisible Disability or Silent Addiction? on “disAbilityLifeTV”

Invisible Disability or Silent Addiction?

Guests Kelly Owen and Lena Owen. Can innocence stolen, hidden in darkness for 40+ years, mutate into a debilitating obsession?

Transability, Transformation and Transgender: How Change changed Everything! on “disAbilityLifeTV”

Transability, Transformation and Transgender

Guest Reverend Dr. Erin Swenson. As a parent, you want to make sure that your surroundings are as “normalized” for your children as possible…especially when raising a child with a disability.

disAbilityLifeTV was created to be the realistic, journalistic voice of the disability community and those who know, love and serve us. disAbilityLifeTV takes a hands-on look at architectural, attitudinal, athletic and academic from the inside/out creating community through activism, advocacy, and truth.

Yvette Pegues, disAbilityLifeTV on BizLynks TV NetworkYvette Pegues, M.Ed., is a wife, mommy, award winning community leader, sought after motivational speaker, Purpose Coach, author, global change agent, Brand Ambassador and host of the NEW hallmark web series, disAbilityLifeTV on the BizLynks TV Network. Her National, Ms. Wheelchair USA service platform is a Legacy of Literature, created to help others turn their Storms to Stories through book publications regardless of their abilities.

As a global change agent and host of #disAbilityLifeTV, Yvette Pegues, M.ED, is committed to the charge to #UnMute the voices of the largest people group in the country. She continues to provide a platform through #DLTV, dedicated to a hands-on look at architectural, attitudinal, athletic and academic changes, creating an ALL-inclusive community through activism, advocacy and truth.

Recent Episodes

Talking the (disAbility) Walk

Talking the (disAbility) Walk

Talk the Walk LLC is a Mobile Connecticut based organization providing interactive Disability and Inclusion consulting for companies, communities, and educational establishments to promote and attain all-inclusive environments. Our guest, Richard James Luby, an individual with Cerebral Palsy and proud member of the (dis)abled community.

Conquering LOVE Behind Bars

Conquering LOVE Behind Bars

This episode of #DLTV shows how Jameca McGhee’s experience growing up with an Intellectually Disabled and incarcerated Father made her stronger, braver, conqueror!

T-Rex is not just a Dinosaur

T-Rex is not just a Dinosaur

Sukie Glick, (a twin) continues to live independently as a full-time wheelchair user who provides advocacy and support at disABILITY LINK where the criteria for Independent Living is based on the Social Model vs. Medical Model. That’s so important because services align with changing the person’s environment not the person.

Disability Pride and Promise

Disability Pride and Promise

Ouida Potts-Randle’s mother, Elizabeth, had a disability but the only thing she remembers is having the BEST of both worlds.

Perfect Baby Problems

Perfect Baby Problems

Guests Selena Deloach, Devin Cunningham & baby Christian. This episode of DLTV reveals how the perfect baby became a mission of love that has cost his parents everything and how YOU can help!

The Penalty of Love

The Penalty of Love

Guests Renita Bundrage and Al Lewis. Our guests have given up their livelihood for the sake of their love for each other because of the “Marriage Penalty.” Learn more about this law as it relates to people with disabilities receiving government assistance (SSI).

DisAbility Doubles

DisAbility Doubles

Guests Patricia Eberhart & Patrix Cody, TwyceTwins Movement.
This episode is about how #TwyceTwins cope with looking exactly the same while dealing with something so different. Watch as they Motivate and Empower through shared disABILITY and the TwyceTwins Movement.

Transability, Transformation and Transgender

Transability, Transformation and Transgender

Guest Reverend Dr. Erin Swenson. As a parent, you want to make sure that your surroundings are as “normalized” for your children as possible…especially when raising a child with a disability.

BizLynks TV Network

BizLynks TV Network (BTVN) is an online video platform featuring dynamic programming designed to inform and educate entrepreneurs, small businesses, associations and nonprofits.

© 2018 BizLynks Consulting Group, LLC